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Data publikacji: 2023-03-13

New Roads and Railroads

Over 250 kilometres of high-speed routes are expected to be put into service in 2023. The railroads have also announced completion of works on several important modernized routes, although not all of them will achieve the expected travel times

DGP has learned about the plans of the road and railroad authorities with regard to investments that are to be completed in 2023. In the case of high-speed roads, one can expect a decent result, as about 70 km of highways and almost 200 km of expressways are to be put into service. This is admittedly considerably less than in the record-breaking year 2012, when more than 570 km of roads were made available to drivers, but at the same time better than in the paltry years 2015, 2016 and 2020, when the length of new high-speed thoroughfares being put into service ranged between 51 and 124 km.

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