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Data publikacji: 2023-02-23

Ukraine Is Not Fighting Alone

The free world says “no” to Russian agression

Ukrainians need help: millions of those who have left the country, including mainly women and children (mostly taking refuge in Poland), as well as those who have stayed to defend it. Our help must be generous and unceasing, even if we are overwhelmed by fatigue while the costs keep rising. This, among other things, is what the special edition of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna is about. The Poles understand the Ukrainians and their situation. That is why our financial, military and social help ranks among the biggest in size and, in relation to our resources, is probably the largest. Furthermore, we have become a bridge connecting Ukraine by road, rail and air with the free world and with all those who lend their support. In the chain of help, Poland is a reliable link, strong and generous.

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