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Data publikacji: 2023-02-23

NBP Is the Guardian of Poland’s Macroeconomic Stability and Supports Ukraine

Head Office of Narodowy Bank Polski in WarsawHead Office of Narodowy Bank Polski in Warsaw

Helping Ukraine is first of all a moral obligation, but also a commitment that we would not be able to meet were it not for the solid foundation of Poland’s economy and the strong financial position of the central bank, for which we have worked diligently over the past years. This hard work and prudence have made Poland a strong state and NBP a strong central bank.

W ith this attitude Poland has managed to join the elite club of economies which have not only weathered the global financial crisis of 2007-2012 and the COVID-19 pandemic of 2020-2021 relatively well, but have also capitalized on these challenges to increase their potential in a creative manner, which proved to be of vital importance in the first days of the military aggression against Ukraine.

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